New Poster Requirement for Virginia Employers
June 22, 2009
Effective July 1, 2009, Virginia employers will be required to post an additional notice that informs employees about their possible eligibility for federal and state earned income tax credits.
Persons who qualify may apply for the credit on their tax returns or receive credit in advance payments during the year. Earned income tax credit (EITC) is a tax credit for low-to-middle income individuals and families. An individual earning up to $12,880 a year or a family earning up to $41,646 per year might qualify for the tax credit.
The EITC poster is in addition to the three other required posters in Virginia:
• Job Safety and Health Protection
• Unemployment Insurance
• Workers Compensation
State posters are available from SESCO Management Consultants for $14.95 per set. You may order posters from our Online publication store on our website or contact us at 423-764-4127.